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The Shakermaker Podcast: The Internet's #1 Oasis Pod

Oct 19, 2016

Jay Papandreas (of the Ask A Punk podcast!) guests on the sixth episode of The Shakermaker Podcast to discuss "Supersonic," the sixth track off of Oasis' debut, Definitely Maybe.

Jay and Patrick discuss life things (it gets real), Jay's expectations after only knowing Wonderwall, the fucking wacky lyrics, some background info on the song from Patrick, and a general discussion on music journalism.

Also, check out Ryan Adams' cover of "Supersonic" here:

Follow Jay on Twitter: Check the Ask A Punk podcast on Twitter ( and Medium (

Subscribe to The Shakermaker Podcast on the podcast app of your choice and recommend it, as well! Also please take a second of time, if you can, to rate and review on iTunes since apparently that helps!



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